onsdag 28 september 2011

My first Peacock

Started this sleeve today of my first ever peacock! Great fun but loads more to do!!!

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torsdag 22 september 2011


Contemplating life, moves, thoughts... Trying to figure stuff out... Not getting anywhere, moving forward, hate? Love! Panic, peace... Holy mother i feel weird!! I feel good, or maybe really bad? Stop ramble and go to sleep!! Or stay awake! How one little bump can put you nose in the dirt and your ass in the sky... Blahblahblah!!!

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In prog.

Some in progress skull!

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fredag 16 september 2011

Otis Firefly

Continued the "the Devils rejects" sleeve today!
This tine it was Otis time to take his place! So freakin fun i nearly feel ashamed to call it work!!

I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work!

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torsdag 15 september 2011

Shots of later randomness

Just some recent stuff...

Finally finished Helges sleeve after like three years!! On to new projects on him soon!

Wakka wakka!

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De puta madre

This past weekend i had a client who flew all the way from his home Gran Canaria to get tattooed by me! I think that is way cool!!
Ben was a supercool dude as well so we had a nice couple of sessions!
Did 7hours on the saturday and 6 hours on the monday! Sat like a rock!!
One more session booked in october to finish it all of!
Crap photos cause some fresh/some two days old and swelling and what not!
Anywho, it is a Jotun amongst some japanese backgrounds...

De puta madre!!

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torsdag 8 september 2011

The valley of dry bones

Started a cool sleeve today based on a painting from the 1800 called the valley of dry bones! Some sort of biblical stuff, hebrew i think... Not sure!
Cool piece to work on for sure!!

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onsdag 7 september 2011

Todays dragon

2nd session down on this freehand dragongalore!

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Starting to get reeally sick of this little health problem of mine! I cant freaking function properly! It just lays there in the back of my head, lurking, and the moment i somhow feel a bit great and happy it jumps out and alaps me in my face! God damn you fucking scrapyard body!! Feels good though that treatment will be put in soon so it hopefully will go away for good this time!!

I am trying to keep working for the sake of staying sane! In a bit smaller scale though... So i will still not be easy to get a hold of and i am sorry for this but i have to take care of myself and my family!!

It was cool to have my good friend Helge in for a couple of hours yesterday to do some more on his, soon to be done, sleeve! A little portrait of his beautiful mom this time!
Not too good photo im affraid and the angle is also a bit twisted but... Sorry!


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