Starting to get reeally sick of this little health problem of mine! I cant freaking function properly! It just lays there in the back of my head, lurking, and the moment i somhow feel a bit great and happy it jumps out and alaps me in my face! God damn you fucking scrapyard body!! Feels good though that treatment will be put in soon so it hopefully will go away for good this time!!
I am trying to keep working for the sake of staying sane! In a bit smaller scale though... So i will still not be easy to get a hold of and i am sorry for this but i have to take care of myself and my family!!
It was cool to have my good friend Helge in for a couple of hours yesterday to do some more on his, soon to be done, sleeve! A little portrait of his beautiful mom this time!
Not too good photo im affraid and the angle is also a bit twisted but... Sorry!

- Artsy stuff and junk -