The best machines ever made! By my dear friend Bez!! Get them i tell you!!!

Was in the states a couple of months ago, on tour with In Flames, and had the pleasure of meeting the guys from Lomb of God. One of my alltime favourite bands! Randy Blythe ,lead singer, so kindly made a drawing for me! Super stoked!!

Continued the comic legsleeve with some spiderdudes and Iron man!

Tattooed a late night skull on my dear co-worker Nicke!

Started a Mastodon sleeve!

Got tored...

Got a bit drunk...

Got a X-mas gift from Alex with the comic legsleeve...

Got some fireworks from another great client...

Made marinated herring...

Painted a frog for my lovely aunt for X-mas...

Had a grand opening for my new studio/gallery Let's live galleries (website coming soon)...
With FrEQuency beer...

And chili...

Had hungover breakfast with my friends...

And now it's back to business with these new beasts!!!

Here's to a frikking great 2013!!!
Love you!!
- Artsy stuff and junk -